
Showing posts from July, 2021

Feeling of "relief" as an emotional red flag

Caution: this blog post contains my views only. More research needs to be done to fully support the statements in this blogpost. This post only contains preliminary observations One of the most common feelings reported by those having taken the COVID vaccine is " relief ." This implies that there was some type of tension before. Somehow, taking the vaccine provided them with a release of that tension. It is as if a huge rock has been lifted off their shoulders and they can finally find the peace/sweet release that they wanted. "Relief" is not the same as feeling " safe ." Relief indicates that they think they escaped some sort of pressure, some sort of "giving up." Feeling "safe" would indicate feeling protected from the danger and it is a warmer type of feeling. However, I have never heard one person saying that they felt "safe" after having taken the vaccine, but I heard several people say they felt "relief." Fritz...