God's Game (Capital G Game)
As I am writing this, I am watching Big Bear's stream #1096 "The Ultimate Game Theory, What Makes Someone Crazy, & Tea." It is an interesting stream that made me rethink how I look at my life.
I was sometimes called crazy. And sometimes, I called other people crazy. We both thought the other person was crazy.
It turns out, we might both have been right.
The other person (we will call her Ms. X) was crazy from my perspective; and I was crazy from Ms. X's perspective. Ms. X values different things in life than I do, has different instincts and a different set of skills. Given Ms. X's values and her life strategy, my actions do indeed seem insane and I seem to have no strategy and be overly self-destructive. Ms. X's error is her believing that I am the same as her and that I should have the same goals as her. Ms. X's error is her ego.
Sadly, Ms. X's mistake is the same as mine. To me, it is *clear* that God is real and that, even if you have everything, if you don't have God, you have nothing. If you follow only the world's game, the best you can hope for is to end up a shiny empty shell. The shiny shell is there to trick other people into believing this is the right game to play, to get people to mistake the outer light (e.g., shiny clothes and shiny gold and metals) with the inner light (i.e., the voice of the Holy Spirit, the voice of God). It is all the devil's trick. It's a magic trick. Illusion. TheBigLie.
Just as Ms. X wants me to fit into her world and wants me to adhere by her game rules...I want Ms. X to fit into my world and I want to her to *realize* the rules and TheBigLie that is being played on her. And we both seem to suffer, to a certain extent, when we see that the other person doesn't see what we see. We don't have the same eyes.
Ms. X also seems to be adamant about it. Perhaps I am adamant too, though I hope I go about it in a different way. In my view, I think that Ms. X, because she doesn't have the faith in God, she needs other people to buy into her own game. Since her reality is not defined by God, she needs other people to agree to her reality, otherwise her reality doesn't exist.
I thought only my vision was religious and imbued with religious values. I now believe Ms. X's vision is also in some way religious, though her religious view is more fragile, since she needs people to buy into it. Whereas I at least have the assurance that the confirmation from the Holy Spirit is all that I need. Therefore, from each of our subjective perspectives, the other person is crazy.
But, in a way, our opinions of each other are not important. It is God's opinion that supersedes all other opinions. He knows the ways in which each of us is crazy. He is the only one that sees all things and thus the only one who even has the ability to be objective. The closer I am to God, the closer I am to objectivity.
My takeaway....
Maybe I should stop trying to make others fit into my own game, and stop worrying about not fitting into others' games. Maybe I should only concerned with whether or not I fit into God's plan. He is the one that defines the Game with a capital G. Sometimes, for the capital G Game, I need to win some of the worldly small g games. Just as, sometimes, I need to lose some of the worldly small g games. But as long as I win the capital G Game, I won. Sometimes I connect with the Holy Spirit, and I think the discernment God gave me is my discernment, yet I only got it through my connection to God.
Without the Holy Spirit, I only have my subjective truth (s-truth1), just as Ms. X also only has her subjective truth (s-truth2). We can only get to the capital T Truth through the Holy Spirit.
All I can do for Ms. X, and for myself, is to pray. I cannot open her eyes, and she cannot open mine. Only the Holy Spirit can open each other's mind. Holy Spirit, please bless us with the gift of discernment.
After Big Bear's stream, some of Rudyard Kipling's verses suddenly make more sense to me. If you realize what the capital G Game is, you will become a capital M Man, because you will be closer to who God created Man to be. You will experience closeness with/to God:
"If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!"
"Since her reality is not defined by God, she needs other people to agree to her reality, otherwise her reality doesn't exist."
ReplyDeleteThis is a fantastic insight into the absolute necessity some people have in maintaining their worldview. Not the main point here but this stuck out the most to me.
I think your takeaway is on point. Focus on God and don't worry about what others are thinking. And trust the Holy Spirit to change hearts.
Thank you!