Persistence is key, the struggle is the point: does it apply to women?
On the theme of productivity, I came across this video by Vox Day:
In this video, Vox answers a question by a 21 year old man, who, like many of his age, is struggling with his persistence. He seems demoralized and ready to give up. Vox tells him that men live for the struggle and gives the example of Gamergate to show how SJWs fear persistence.
While this video is aimed at men, I think women can also learn from this advice. While women may not (at least ideally) have to fight physically, join wars, or be involved in high-level conflicts, women still have struggles.
In this post, I will explain why I think that:
A. Women have unprecedented struggles;
B. Some men are not making it easier due to, perhaps, not realizing the extent to which they shape female behavior; and
C. Persistence will help women, even if they don't share the exact same struggles as men.
A. Unprecedented struggles...
1. Basic life skills. Many millennial women that I know, for example, were not taught basic life skills (e.g., cooking), as their parents thought that their studying (or whatever) was more important.
2. Conflicting social messages. Many women also get conflicting ideas about what men and society (and other women) want from them. Men seem to go for brides from other countries because of their "traditional" values. At the same time, mainstream media cherishes successful, wealthy, career-driven women. MGTOW/men forums tell men not to get married, because they will have to pay a lot if they divorce. A woman with decent intentions, browsing these forums, may leave with the impression that she should have a career and make more money than the husband, to make the husband more comfortable with marriage and not have him risking losing half his stuff. What do men want? Do they even know? Do they even understand that they are very confusing and not giving clear direction about what they want? I may never know.....
3. Lack of traditional structures leads to lower survival skills and to more criticism. Tradition - whether some people want to acknowledge it or not - did indeed provide women with abilities and tools to survive (e.g., learning home economics). Tradition - for all its "faults" - also shielded women from criticism (which they detest) as it told them clearly the role they were expected to play. Unfortunately, today, whether you are a housewife or career woman (and even if you somehow manage to do both), someone will think you are failing civilization. This puts women in the position of having to deal with more criticism and more conflicting messages.
B. Some men don't know how to deal with this and think that pressing on women's emotional buttons somehow helps the situation...
4. Understandably bitter men adding to the pain of social pressure. As explained in point 3, there is therefore additional social pressure and lack of direction. Some men are, understandably, bitter at the state of affairs in the world, but their bitterness adds to the struggles and to the perceived social pressure that women experience today. I am not judging anyone, I am sure men have their struggles, I am just observing that being bitter and adding to the perceived social pressure is not likely to make things better...if the perceived social pressure is THE (or one of THE) problem(s) in the first place.
5. Men have a natural authority over women. Men don't understand how much women need direction and how much their inability to properly manage power impacts women. They don't understand that them giving off contradictory messages (whether they realize it or not, whether they perceive it as contradictory or not) makes it so that the woman will not be able to follow. Just as driving in an erratic manner does not allow other drivers to follow what the erratic driver is doing, so a man giving off contradictory messages cannot expect that a woman (or anyone) follow his lead.
6. Why men add to the social pressure. My impression is that, some men, are just not able to differentiate between good women and bad women, and thus treat all women as they treat bad women, which is: purposefully press on their buttons just to "toughen them up." I think this is out of self-protection. However, men have enough natural ability to influence women. In my view, it is not necessary to push on all the perceived weaknesses and emotional buttons to influence a woman's behavior. In fact, if this is what a man genuinely needs to resort to just to protect himself, he is probably not with the right woman.
In this post, I am not referring to the psychopathic woman who best responds to such treatment. Decent women (or even lost women who want to better themselves) should ideally get the support they need from the men around them.
C. Women would benefit from the advice to learn to love the struggle...
7. Women would benefit from learning to love struggle, even if their struggle is different from men's. Given the unprecedented struggles and the fragility of some of the Millennial women I encountered, I think women should also aim for persistence and to learn to love the struggle. While their struggles may be unique from those of men, their struggles will be worth it, and their character will be passed on to their children.
My thoughts may evolve on this topic. The way in which they may evolve may not please everyone.
May Jesus Christ give us all clarity and wisdom on this topic. Amen.
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