God's Game (Capital G Game)
As I am writing this, I am watching Big Bear's stream #1096 "The Ultimate Game Theory, What Makes Someone Crazy, & Tea." It is an interesting stream that made me rethink how I look at my life. I was sometimes called crazy. And sometimes, I called other people crazy. We both thought the other person was crazy. It turns out, we might both have been right. The other person (we will call her Ms. X) was crazy from my perspective; and I was crazy from Ms. X's perspective. Ms. X values different things in life than I do, has different instincts and a different set of skills. Given Ms. X's values and her life strategy, my actions do indeed seem insane and I seem to have no strategy and be overly self-destructive. Ms. X's error is her believing that I am the same as her and that I should have the same goals as her. Ms. X's error is her ego. Sadly, Ms. X's mistake is the same as mine. To me, it is *clear* that God is real and that, even if you have everyt...