
Feeling of "relief" as an emotional red flag

Caution: this blog post contains my views only. More research needs to be done to fully support the statements in this blogpost. This post only contains preliminary observations One of the most common feelings reported by those having taken the COVID vaccine is " relief ." This implies that there was some type of tension before. Somehow, taking the vaccine provided them with a release of that tension. It is as if a huge rock has been lifted off their shoulders and they can finally find the peace/sweet release that they wanted. "Relief" is not the same as feeling " safe ." Relief indicates that they think they escaped some sort of pressure, some sort of "giving up." Feeling "safe" would indicate feeling protected from the danger and it is a warmer type of feeling. However, I have never heard one person saying that they felt "safe" after having taken the vaccine, but I heard several people say they felt "relief." Fritz...

"Flexible pattern recognition" as a mind control technique

What is up with SJWs' pattern recognition? SJWs (as well as some NPCs) seem to have "flexible pattern recognition."  In other words, they seem to easily see  patterns when it comes to certain things (e.g., oppression of minorities, privilege of certain groups).Yet, they seem to unable to see obvious patterns when it comes to other things (e.g., the election, the negative effect of social justice on society).  It's not that they can't perceive patterns or assess logical statements. The problem is that their use of these abilities is very, very flexible and selective.  Jessee Lee Peterson's interviews on The Fallen State are very instructive about this characteristic of SJWs. For example, in the following segment, an SJW becomes unable (or unwilling) to recognize patterns when confronted: SJWs' ability to turn on and off their pattern recognition is very interesting. I believe some of them are pretending and just w...

God's Game (Capital G Game)

 As I am writing this, I am watching Big Bear's stream #1096 "The Ultimate Game Theory, What Makes Someone Crazy, & Tea." It is an interesting stream that made me rethink how I look at my life. I was sometimes called crazy. And sometimes, I called other people crazy. We both thought the other person was crazy. It turns out, we might both have been right.  The other person (we will call her Ms. X) was crazy from my perspective; and I was crazy from Ms. X's perspective. Ms. X values different things in life than I do, has different instincts and a different set of skills. Given Ms. X's values and her life strategy, my actions do indeed seem insane and I seem to have no strategy and be overly self-destructive. Ms. X's error is her believing that I am the same as her and that I should have the same goals as her. Ms. X's error is her ego.  Sadly, Ms. X's mistake is the same as mine. To me, it is *clear* that God is real and that, even if you have everyt...

Brief Update: A Productive Day

UPDATE:  the new prayers and Vox Day's video worked for me. I have been especially productive today and I can see the proof that I have indeed been productive (i.e., I completed 2 major undertakings that I have been putting off for weeks on end). At times, I wanted to give up, but I persevered, and pushed myself through it, through prayers and sheer will. Afternoon was the hardest. I cannot believe how productive I was. I credit God with my successes. Thank you Lord for your help and blessings. Amen. 

Persistence is key, the struggle is the point: does it apply to women?

On the theme of productivity, I came across this video by Vox Day: In this video, Vox answers a question by a 21 year old man, who, like many of his age, is struggling with his persistence. He seems demoralized and ready to give up. Vox tells him that men live for the struggle and gives the example of Gamergate to show how SJWs fear persistence. While this video is aimed at men, I think women can also learn from this advice. While women may not (at least ideally) have to fight physically, join wars, or be involved in high-level conflicts, women still have struggles.  In this post, I will explain why I think that: A. Women have unprecedented struggles;  B. Some men are not making it easier due to, perhaps, not realizing the extent to which they shape female behavior; and  C. Persistence will help women, even if they don't share the exact same struggles as men. A. Unprecedented struggles... 1. Basic life skills. Many millennial wo...

Christian Orthodox prayers for studying/working to give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ

In my last post - "Let your deeds shine as you are the light of the world" - I talked about how, if someone is good, then their fruits will be good; there is no reason to stop oneself from creating out of fear this creation may be misused. As Christians, we are supposed to shine.  P.S. I am still considering whether or not it is even possible to misuse a good creation, and if it is possible, under what conditions (see Footnote 1   at the end of this post if interested in my current reflection on this). I found the following prayers to be helpful in getting me in the right mindset and ensuring that my works will be more likely to benefit the Lord, Jesus Christ, rather than the prince of this world.  Here they are: 1. Prayer before study Most blessed Lord, send the grace of Your Holy Spirit on me to strengthen me that I may learn well the subject I am about to study and by it become a better person for Your glory, the comfort of my family and the benefit of Your Church an...

Let your deeds shine as you are the light of the world

How can we work and create towards the good, the beautiful and the truth? It seems like all our work efforts and divine gifts are used by the beast system, in one way or another. For me, this was an incentive to not work or be creative at all; the beast should not be fed. On the other hand, stopping productivity and creativity is yet another way to give into the beast system. Work then becomes sterile, fruitless. It becomes harder and harder to create and work well once I give into that state, no matter what the rationalization.  13  “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.  ( Matthew 5:13 ) In my current predicament, I relate to this Bible passage. I see "salt" as a gift from the Holy Spirit (e.g., creativity), a gift that is difficult to regain once lost. It is a defining characteristic of mine that I risk to lose if I don't app...